Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CMOD6001 COM1 Class

I asked mostly Group B students to talk us through the jobs they were assigned to research.

CMOD6001 COM Lab A

I asked students to talk us through the jobs they were assigned to research.


I asked students to talk us through the jobs they were assigned to research.


I asked students to talk us through the jobs they were assigned to research.



Is Facebook a no-go for teachers?

Is Facebook a no-go for teachers?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Get your Facebook data - all of it!

This is an interesting article on how to get a copy of nearly all of the data Facebook  has on you


SOFT7001 Class 13

I asked students make a vertical menu from a nested list in CSS. This is much easier than the horizontal one we did last week. But it's best to start with an empty CSS file rather than modify the horizontal one.


We went through some of the jobs students researched.

A number of students didn't know the job number they were assigned so that meant I didn't get as many responses as I should have. Students should know their job numbers in time for the next class.

Students who felt they didn't do a great job of explaining their topic might get another chance to explain their job.

I pointed out that one of the machines in C128 now has Skype on it

SOFT6007 Web Dev Fun Image Maps

Build a webpage with an image map that links to 4 cities: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, and New Orleans (circle). Download the image here

This grid can help you figure out the coordinates

Remember that using the correct order for the areas can make the map simpler. Some areas can be under others.

You can revise image maps using this video


I forgot that DWEB had an extension for the job exercise.

I showed students again where to find online journals in the library.

Some students worked onthe job exercise and others worked on their papers. Others just mess around a bit.

I reminded that copy and pasted text was of little use for the job exercise.

CMOD6001 COM1 Lab B

Students checked the list to see the topics for the essays.

I showed students where to find online journals at the library website and explained why they are often superior to what can be found for free online. Students searched for articles relevant to their essay topics.

Friday, October 14, 2011

CMOD6001 DNET/DCOM Class 15

We did a group exercise. I have never seen a more impressive group distribute information as efficiently. Borg could not have done it better.

It seems that early on students figured out that they needed to listen to each other. Some students tired to take charge and the others let them.

CMOD6001 COM Class 15

We did a group exercise. It was good fun but didn't go especially well. Many students stood around waiting for others to come to them, and clusters of students who belonged together didn't read out to other clusters.

CMOD6001 DWEB1 Class 15

I gave out handouts on study skills and time management.

We did a group exercise. It didn't go especially well.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

CMOD6001 Job Exercise deadline

The job exercise deadline is extended to Monday 1600 for DWEB1

SOFT7001 Class 12

We looked at color and backgrounds. I asked students to add backgrounds to the menus we made in the last class.

I referred students to a YouTube video about color systems. A second video on the RGB system was rejected by YouTube for being too long so it's available here.


We use the class for meetings.

By the end of today's meeting students should have:
full contact details of other group members (e-mail will do)
discussed the presentation topic
shared a google document (or at least made a plan to)
assigned different tasks to different group members
arranged a time for the next meeting
recorded minutes of the meeting in the group blog

Today's session didn't go very well. We might have to rethink how this is going to work

CMOD6001 Essay Topics

Students will be expected to write a written report for this module. I will provide details later, however the is no reason for me to delay the assignment of topics to students. I had considered letting students write about the same topic as they are using for their presentation, but I felt it would be difficult for students who have worked together on something to write very different reports.

The topic assignments were random, except for students who co-incidentally got the same topic for their paper as for their presentation. If you got the same or nearly the same for both, t means I missed you. Please advise me of this.

You can see which one you got by checking the list of blogs

PCCL Policing the Cloud
Explore the difficulties faced by police in dealing with evidence that is in the cloud. This topic is not as broad as internet crime in general. Cloud computing poses some specific problems.

RFID RFID and privacy
How widespread use of RFID technology can have an impact on privacy.

GEOL Geolocation
Applications. Good? Bad? Unintended consequences?

FOTO Photojournalism in the Digital Age
Can we believe anything anymore? is seeing still believing?

GOLD Gold Farming
What is it? Is it cheating? Should it be outlawed? Exploitation?

NETN Net Neturality
What is it? Should we have laws to enforce it?

DIGP Digital Pollution
Internet technologies seem like they are clean . But keeping google's servers up and running requires lots of energy. Is the Internet contributing to gobal warming?

PRED Prediction Markets
What are they? How might they workd? Can they applied in the real world?

OPEN Open Source Software
If free really free? Is it any good?

SOFT7001 Digital Color I