Thursday, October 13, 2011

CMOD6001 Essay Topics

Students will be expected to write a written report for this module. I will provide details later, however the is no reason for me to delay the assignment of topics to students. I had considered letting students write about the same topic as they are using for their presentation, but I felt it would be difficult for students who have worked together on something to write very different reports.

The topic assignments were random, except for students who co-incidentally got the same topic for their paper as for their presentation. If you got the same or nearly the same for both, t means I missed you. Please advise me of this.

You can see which one you got by checking the list of blogs

PCCL Policing the Cloud
Explore the difficulties faced by police in dealing with evidence that is in the cloud. This topic is not as broad as internet crime in general. Cloud computing poses some specific problems.

RFID RFID and privacy
How widespread use of RFID technology can have an impact on privacy.

GEOL Geolocation
Applications. Good? Bad? Unintended consequences?

FOTO Photojournalism in the Digital Age
Can we believe anything anymore? is seeing still believing?

GOLD Gold Farming
What is it? Is it cheating? Should it be outlawed? Exploitation?

NETN Net Neturality
What is it? Should we have laws to enforce it?

DIGP Digital Pollution
Internet technologies seem like they are clean . But keeping google's servers up and running requires lots of energy. Is the Internet contributing to gobal warming?

PRED Prediction Markets
What are they? How might they workd? Can they applied in the real world?

OPEN Open Source Software
If free really free? Is it any good?


Anonymous said...

There aren't any topics on that list.

Anonymous said...

Ya there is only the numbers associated with the job descriptions you gave us. No essay topics

Colin Manning said...

I'll fix that

Anonymous said...

Are these fixed assignments or can we switch around like we did with the group projects?

Colin Manning said...

No swapping with these ones. Just makes the best of the one you got