Friday, December 5, 2008

Web Pubishing CA Adjustments

During the semester I promised that I would find ways for students to get marks for various things that were not actually on the syllabus. Recall the 110% total we discussed. Well that was not in my gift and that is why that plan was abandoned and we went back to Plan A.

However I have made some adjustments so that studies who did that work can have it included in their marks. Students who didn't do it are at no loss because their marks is based on the course schedule anyway.

The Blog: I said I'd make that worth 10%. What I have done is calculated each students mark normally using the scheme set out in the course schedule.
Mark = (Essay * 40 + Exam * 30 + Project * 30)/100

However I awarded marks from 0 to 10 for the blog based on the number of weeks during which entries were made. I calculated a second mark
Mark2 = Mark *.9 + blog

The final marks awarded is the greater of the two. So everybody wins.

I had promised marks for the FTP lab. However when I looked I found that only two students had actually done it. SO I didn't bother with that.

I included questions from NewsU in the exam so I believe that covered that base.

Unfortunately these changes were not much use to the students that needed them most. Students who got 0 for their essays have a huge 40% sized hole in their mark and it's very hard to get around that.

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