Monday, September 26, 2011

CMOD6001 Bespoke Award Assignment (a.k.a. The Job Exercise)

Each student has been given a job description.

Imagine that this particular job is the job that you want.

Find out
  • What technical skills are required for the job
  • What non-technical / soft skills are required for the job
  • What do all those technical terms mean *
  • What modules at CIT should you take to get those skills
  • Which modules provide which skills
  • What kind of modules should you take, but are not offered at CIT

* Actually find out, understand, and explain in your own words. A copy & paste won't do

Students should publish the results of their investigations to their blogs by the end of week 5. It's week 3 now.

During Week 6 I will ask students to briefly outline their findings in class. Students who are not present in class when called upon will receive a very low mark. Students who are called upon to present will be marked based on their ability to answer questions on the day and their blog. Students who are not called upon will be marked on the blog alone. There is unlikely to be time to call on every student over the course of the week, but that might be possible. Each student will be asked once. Students who are no present on the day will not be provided a second opportunity.

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