Monday, November 30, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps
There were a few other students.
Group J submitted their site.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
CMOD6001 Week 11 Class 2 & 3
We met in the IT building from 1500-1630. Each game was played.
That concludes this module.
Good luck with your exams.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
CMOD6001 Project Demonstrations
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 11 Class 3 B
Some students had something to show me.
BBADM3 Project Deadline
But there's no harm in handing it up early too.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Strike Day
supposed to collect it was way late so I could have had a lie in. The
coffee making went on until about 11, when the TUI ran out of paper
cups. So I threw what was left down the sink and cleaned up.
My picket shift was from 1400 for 2 hours. It wasn't as busy as I
thought it would be, and not nearly as busy as it should have been. I
was disappointed to learn that the President of CIT went to work. I
can't imagine he hac anything so important, but I suspect he imagines
that his work is very important. Perhaps he was making a point. If so,
I'm curious to know what it was. I saw a few cars drive in and a few
people go in on foot. Since everything was pretty much closed, I can't
imagine what they were doing. Perhpas they too were making a point.
I thought we should have been out in Melbourne Rd where passing
traffic could have seen us. It was after all just a publicity stunt. I
didn't listen to the radio to hear how the whole thing was playing out.
All in all I don't think it was a huge success, which is why I voted
no to it in the first place.
It'll be interesting to see what happens next week.
Colin Manning, Dept. of Computing
Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
Monday, November 23, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 11 Class 2 & 3A
Some groups are still working on their template. That would put them a bit behind schedule.
BBADM3 Web Apps Project Documentation
You might want to include
- The final site map. That way I won't miss anything
- Details of the template you used. If you customised it a lot, I can assess that.
- Any non-obvious features that I might otherwise miss
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 11 Class 1A
Students seems to need to work on something else. Databases I think.
No problem with that. There were no complete groups in class.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
CIT has water
Colin Manning, Dept. of Computing
Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
Friday, November 20, 2009
Strike on Tuesday 24 November
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Message from the Registrar
You will be aware of certain commercial events which are being organised on next Thursday November 26th. These events have the potential to cause major disruption to our neighbours here in Bishopstown, seriously damage the reputation and public perception of Cork Institute of Technology and in particular the reputation of our graduates and you our students.
A successful charity-based seasonal event which ran well for a number of years was cancelled last year by the Institute following the events of 2007. Unfortunately commercial interests have sought once again to exploit you our students for their own commercial gain. We would urge you, in your own best interests, not to support the events of November 26th next.
The Institute has already received quite a number of representations from the Garda Síochána, Residents Associations, City Councillors and private residents in the Bishopstown area regarding the upcoming events on November 26th. There has also been a high level of media interest in what may or may not happen on this date.
The CIT position on this matter is quite clear. Thursday November 26th is a normal college day in CIT. All class timetables will run as normal in terms of lectures, practical and workshop sessions, laboratories etc. Any Continuous Assessment scheduled for the day will continue as normal and will not be rescheduled. Friday November 27th is also a normal college day here in CIT.
You are advised that the Institute will invoke disciplinary procedures, as appropriate, where individual students have been found to have brought the Institute into disrepute. In particular, you are asked to note that, by Regulation:
Students must not engage in any behaviour which may constitute inconvenience or nuisance to any person(s) within or outside the Institute.
The Institute has power to discipline any student deemed to have been guilty of misconduct, and has power to expel a student deemed to have been guilty of grave misconduct.
Apart from these sanctions which the Institute will apply, persons convicted of Public Order offences cause serious damage to their future career prospects and may disqualify themselves from overseas visas.
CIT, through the efforts of staff and students alike, has consistently developed its profile as a leading Higher Education institution in terms of academic achievement, success in the sporting world and the national and international achievements of our graduates. The Institute will not allow this reputation to be undone by commercial exploitation of our students. Neither will we allow the rights of our neighbours here in Bishopstown, to live free of nuisance and intimidation, to be put at risk by any unacceptable behaviour which could be associated with this Institution.
Dr. Barry O’Connor
Registrar and Vice President for Academic Affairs 19/11/’09
CMOD6001 Week 10 Class 1
Group Plugintheceiling
Still need to do up clues and the rules.
Team AlphaBeta
Clues done, just need to format and print.
Team Actimel
Nearly there.
Team Untitled
Just need to print clues and make the box.
Team WarnerBros2
Nearly there. Just need to print cards.
I brought some paper products.
No more CIT classes today. There's nothing more to discuss about the project. Just get them done.
Next Thursday we will play the games. Student must attend next Thursdays classes.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
BBADM3 Project Deadline
Students using an online CMS should e-mail the URL to before the deadline.
Students using Publisher or coding by hand should give Colin a copy of the SITE on a CD, DVD, or memory stick. The 0900 and 1000 classes are probably the best places to do that.
Students may be asked to make themselves available during the week to talk me through the project and to demonstrate that each member of the group did work of equal value. For simplicity I hope to use the timetables classes for that.
The default setting is that each member of the group will get an equal mark. A request by any one member of the group for individual marks, will result in individual marks for all. Where the group blog clearly demonstrates who did what, and I am satisfied that each group member did an equal amount of work, I will probably not need to meet the group. If the group blog does not make this clear, I may need to meet the group. Or I might just get a notion. In any event I will give the group some notice.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 4A
Only Group F was in.
This group's site map changed a lot since I saw it last. It was better before. That needs to be pinned down fairly quickly. Changing the structure at the last minute can be very time consuming.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 4B
Most of the groups in class today seems to be still trying to sort out a template to work from. That's a bit worrying. But I suppose if the content is all ready to go, that shouldn't be a big deal.
BBADM3 Web Apps HTML Results
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 3B
We did identify a mistake in the correcting of Question 1. So some students will go up by 5 or 10 marks. NO ONE will have their mark reduced.
I hope to have the new marks up on the web by the end of the day.
I am not in the slightest bit embarrassed that I made a mistake. Although I try to be perfect, I find the best approach is to be as open and transparent as possible, so that when I do make mistakes others can identify them.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 2B
Blog address changed.
Look and feel organized. Wix working well for this group. Content nearly ready to go. Optimistic and on schedule.
Group D
Working away in wix. Still experimenting with designs. Need to make sure the look and feel is consistent. Try to avoid too many bells and whistles. Try to make the navigation straightforward. Everyone working in parallel. Looks like fun.
Group Style
Still working on the design. Need to get a move on.
I gave a bit of Photoshop help.
Group P?
Using wix. Struggling a bit.
Group Ralley
Group is disappointed with the way publisher lays things out. Going to give wix a try. I recommend they spend a few hours in it and then commit to one or the other.
Content is all written.
Group F
Wasted a bit of time on design. Still haven't settled on a design.
Need to get that sorted soon.
Monday, November 16, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 3A
Two members did a runner. Other two gave up.
Group H
Working on a custom template.
Group R
Decided on Movie Review site.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 2A
Group M 4/4 present
Still working on site map. [behind schedule]
Group H 3/3 present
Sorting out which template to go with
Group R 3/3 present
Still figuring out what the site is going to be about. [way behind schedule]
CMOD6001 Project Deadline
CMOD6001 Week 10 DNET Lab
Students seems to be working on other things (mostly Alice). No problem with that I suppose. They are all big boys now.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 1 B
Students worked on their projects. They seem to be making progress although a few need to make some decisions and go with them.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 10 Class 1 A
The web server we were going to use wasn't working so we didn't actually do an FTP.
I attempted to do some work on the project but students didn't seem interested. Something about a database assignment.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Submissions - Still waiting on some essays
This information is based on a cross check of the list I have for students. If you are not on the list, because you didn't to the HTML exam, for example, I might have missed you.
The next deadline is noon on Friday 13 November. If you e-mail me your essay to and it is received before then, the standard late penalty if 10% will apply. If your essay is received after that time the standard penalty of 20% will apply.
There will be no further reminders.
CMOD6001 Week 09 Class 2
We discussed the project a little
We finsihed up at 1650
CMOD6001 Week 09 Class 1
Team Actimel 3/4 present
One the way. Needs to prioritize the ending summary for the host. That will keep the clues on target.
Team Untitled 4/4
Nearly there
Team Warner Bros 1/2
Needs to prioritize the ending summary for the host. That will keep the clues on target. Otherwsie nearly there, I think. I haven't seen much.
Team Alpha Beta 1/4
Hopeing to get loads done today if the rest iof the team comes in. Summary done and submitted. Well on course methinks.
We wrapped up at 0940. Bold I know. But it was an extra hot extra strong coffee type of morning.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 4 B
Some students have expressed interest in using to build their sites. Like, this doesn't work in the labs, so if there are problems I won't be able to help out. However students are free to use an online CMS if they wish, as long as they are aware of the risks they are taking.
Students worked on their sites
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 4 A
We evacuated for a fir alarm. After the all clear no one returned. Given yesterday's display of dedication, I am not surprised.
BBADM3 HTML Exam Scripts
I want to know the group you are in so I can arrange a suitable time.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 3B
Suggested to all students that they go Publisher and find candidate templates.
Group T
Reconsider re-naming page 6
Otherwise seems fine
Group O
Need to think hard about categories. some overlap
{Student took notes. so less info here}
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 2B
Group D
Who is the target audience? students 15-29
Web2.0 stuff not practical to do. maybe find a free plug-in service
Think harder about the categories
Does Publisher do sub-headings well?
Plenty to go away and think about
Group P
Working on a new idea.
Group F
A make up tile retailer
Site map seems fine. Two way to get the same info is usually consdiered bad practice, but in this case it's fine.
Does wall tiles belong in Product Catalog
Maybe re-name Products Catalogue
Think about the order of the headings
Does Publisher do sub-pages well?
Think about where price info will go. How will it be updated. There is no database
Some people may be looking for particular brands. Think about brands
The group is well on the way
Group H
Will probably be an interesting site.
Think hard about the structure
Monday, November 9, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 3 A
2 did. 3 continued looking at celebrity gossip sites. 1 read something else.
I went out to the toilet at 10 past. When I came back everyone was gone. I adjusted the attendance records and left.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 2 A
Group M
Only 2 students were present.
Minutes need to be more detailed.
Page names need to mean something.
Think about men/women
Maybe do makeover page
Lots to think about
Group K
2 group members present
Minutes need to be more detailed.
Topical things can be a lot of work. Weekly updates is asking a lot.
I think this group needs to go back to the drawing board.
Group R
2 members present
Minutes need to be more detailed.
Site might be a bit small and there's not much scope for showing off skills. I'm worried there's not enough in the topic to make a good site.
It could work but I'm worried. At least have another think.
BBADM3 Site Maps
Some useful questions to ask are:
Who is this site aimed at? What does this site have that others don't? What is the point of this site?
Each page should have a name. page 1 is not a good name. If you can't think of 1 or 2 words that sum up the page, then it might be a indication that more focus is needed.
Some projects don't strike me as being suitable. I am not going to insist anyone change their plans. I only give advice. I don't make people take it.
If you are revising your plans, leave old blog posts intact and post the revised versions. Web Site Design is a process, and there are marks going for working through the process.
CMOD6001 Week 09 DNET Lab
Team Untitled 4/4
Writing up conclusion.
Team Alpha Beta 3/4
Conclusion done. Had too few clues. Adding more clues. Adding more
Colin Manning, Dept. of Computing
Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland
BBADM3 Web Apps HTML Exam Marking Scheme
{Small typo "!00" should be "100"}
I want to recheck the scripts. I expect to do that today. After that students will be able to view their scripts if they want.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 1 B
We looked at how graphics degrade poorly when heavily compressed in JPEG.
I outlined the format for the rest of the semester. 1 of the 4 clases per week will be a lecture. For at least 2 of the other classes students will work on their projects.
I told students to let me know if they need classes in Publisher. The general feeling was that that was unecessary. We will see how we go and revisit the question later.
I offered classes in Photoshop. Students have already done the basics, so there might be no need. There didn't seem to be much support for looking at it in more detail for the craic. That's understandable, I suppose, since anything not essential to the project is probably an extravagance at this stage.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 1 A
Only 7 students were in class. And only 3 were paying attention.
I outlined the format for the rest of the semester. 1 of the 4 clases per week will be a lecture. For at least 2 of the other classes students will work on their projects.
Friday, November 6, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Submissions
Ahern, Marian
Dillon, Lisa
howie, laura
Lorcan D., Mc Cormac
Murray, lindsay
Nunan, Michelle
I have not checked for duplicate accounts. That may be another explanation.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Missing Results
There appear to be as many results as one might expect so it's not a simple matter of just missing a huge chunk. I don't have access to the results just now, but it looks like I have not used the last 4 digits, but rather the first four of the last five. So R00012345 shows up as 1234 rather than 2345.
I will check that and leave a note here. However, I think it would only add to the confusion were I to fix the mistake.
CMOD6001 Week 08 Class 2
Next milestone: The Plot with all the clues. Due Noon Wed 11 Nov.
PDFs preferred.
CMOD6001 Week 08 DNET Lab
CMOD6001 Week 08 Class 1
Group plug in the ceiling 2/4 members
Characters and plot done
Police report. Autopsy.
Just need to break clues up into a game
Team Actimel 3/4 members
Characters and plot done. Just need to do a small bit more tightening
Just need to distribute clues into a game.
Team Alpha Beta 1/4 present
Characters and back stories done. Working on distributing clues.
Sounds like this group needs more more clues.
Team untitled 3/4
Characters and back stories done. Plot not finished yet. Probably need
to get moving.
Team ???????
Police report done. Characters done. Still working on the plot. Looks
like a 1 man group at this stage. I don't know if this group is going
to succeed. I think this group is broken.
I talked about how the structure might work.
At 0935 there was time for each group to hold another meeting.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 4B
Some tried out their PPSNs and banknotes.
BBADM3 Web Apps Group Blogs
If you have a fantastic site map done by Friday, but have neglected to tell me where I can find it, the world will be considered late.
A number of students have yet to join a group.
BBADM3 Web Apps Essay Submissions
Flynn, Caitriona
O Connor, Barra
O Connor, Barra
Patricia E., O Brien
Michelle C., Murray
osborne, michael
rossiter, isabel
Aisling M., Carey
O Sullivan, Siobhan
O'Connor, Stephen
O'Leary, Julie
Ryan, Darragh
Murphy, Amanda
O Sullivan, Joan
Many more students have registered than have submitted. Don't forget to scroll down on the turnitin page and actually click submit.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
BBADM3 Web Apps Assignment 1 Results
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 4 A
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 2 B
Students uploaded drafs of their essays to turnitin just to check it was working and to get a feel for the plagiarism detection algorithm.
We discussed the project.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Standard CIT late policy applies.
BBADM3 Web Apps Week 08 Class 2 & 3 A
Students went to different websites to compare prices.
I helped students with turnitin issues.
Project using Publisher vs. hand
We had a long discussion about plagiarism. Some students are just not hearing me.
BBADM3 Web Apps Project
Microsoft Publisher: Students are free to use Publisher if they wish. Publisher is easy to use and provides templates that students can use. The main drawback is that pages look like they were made with published and it may be difficult to make the site do exactly what you want. Customizing the sites may prove difficult. Also if something goes wrong with Publisher there is not a lot I, nor anyone else, will be able to do about it.
Code by hand: Students will be provided with a template for a very basic site. They can customize the HTML and CSS to suit their own needs.
Students who chose to use Publisher should look at the template anyway, because it would be a very good learning exercise.
CMOD6001 Week 08 Lab DNET
I asked the groups to work on the plot, but one group said it was already done by they didn't have a copy.
Students might want to start using Google Docs. That way they can all have access to the work all the time.