Tuesday, November 10, 2009

BBADM3 Web Apps Week 09 Class 2B

I met with each group to discuss their projects

Group D
Who is the target audience? students 15-29
Web2.0 stuff not practical to do. maybe find a free plug-in service
Think harder about the categories
Does Publisher do sub-headings well?
Plenty to go away and think about

Group P
Working on a new idea.

Group F
A make up tile retailer
Site map seems fine. Two way to get the same info is usually consdiered bad practice, but in this case it's fine.
Does wall tiles belong in Product Catalog
Maybe re-name Products Catalogue
Think about the order of the headings
Does Publisher do sub-pages well?
Think about where price info will go. How will it be updated. There is no database
Some people may be looking for particular brands. Think about brands
The group is well on the way

Group H
Will probably be an interesting site.
Think hard about the structure

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