Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ní beidh a leithéid ann arís

Today is a sad day. Today any public servant of our republic who has enough pension entitlements to make it practical for them to leave, will leave. In schools, hospitals, government offices, and colleges all around the country people are saying their goodbyes. I imagine there pubs will be busy tonight.

The departure of so many people all at the same time will be a bit traumatic for some institutions, and the effects may even be noticed by the customers of those public services. But I expect that their departure will affect not just the public services themselves, but will impact of the very nature of public service.

The republic, since its foundation, has been served well by its public servants. They were dedicated, impartial, and well respected. Of late there has been a lot of public servant bashing, and the mutual regard the public and public servants once had or each other has been eroded. Today's exodus will see not just a quantitative change in the number of public servants. There will be a qualitative change in the whole culture of public service.

Good luck to those going. Ní beidh a leithéid ann arís.

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