Thursday, October 13, 2011

CMOD6001 DNET/DCOM Class 14

I reminded students to check the URL for their blogs. I outlined some of the reasons I get students to keep blogs. I discussed some of the options available to students who might have discovered that they are in the wrong course. There was some discussion about whether or not transfers are still possible or if the policy has changed. I must check.

We talked about some grammar rules. I gave out a handout of common errors. Students with weak English should used the spell and grammar checking features of MS Word. We digressed into an interesting conversation about online reputations.

I explained that I wasn't keen to move the Friday class because that would leave some students with only one class on Fridays. That would be worse than just two. If I know something important is coming up on a Friday I will do my best to give notice, but students can't expect that I always will.

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