Friday, November 4, 2011

CMOD6001 DWEB Class 24

I asked any groups that had their presentations ready to copy them to my machine. None had. I guess that means the groups won't get much time to practice before the presentation.

I told students they could use my laptop or bring their own. I reminded them again that they must attend all the CIT classes next week. I reminded them that failure to turn up and leave on time to all CMOD6001 classes nest week would result in them getting a very low mark for the presentation and it will affect the mark of the group. Attending other students presentations is a minimum requirement for the presentation asssignment.

Target presentation time is 15 minutes

Group WA
1/4 students in class
Appears as if only AN & DA have done any work on the presentation
Doesn't appear to be on schedule for next week. But might happen
Not a lot of teamwork in evidence

Group WO
1/3 students in class
some work has been done but not really on schedule
I doubt there will be time to practice
Not a lot of teamwork in evidence

Group WB
3/5 students in class
information collected. started slides
plan to finish slides today and practice Monday morning
Some people were sick, but they will be better soon

Group WM
3/3 students in class
nearly finished slides
they think they will be OK

Group WD
3/3 students in class
nothing much done yet
working on it today

Group WE
3/4 students in
I had written one student S off, but the student is still in as far as the group is concerned.  This student hasn't done any work on the project so far. I asked to group to establish once and for all if this student was in the group or not. And I will need to see evidence of the specific contribution of this student.
Just started powerpoint

Group WN
4/5 students in
research done. still to make slides
I doubt there will be time to practice

Group WL
2/4 students in
all 4 students have been working away
starting work on slides today
I will want to see details of specific contribution of the two missing students P & G

WP doesn't seem to be still at the races

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