Tuesday, November 22, 2011

CMOD6001 Late Papers

The deadline for the papers is noon on Wednesday. Late papers will have the 2 week penalty applied to them. So a paper that might have got 45 if it were on time, would get 25%. If your second draft was half decent, it might be worth more on time, than a better paper is worth late. So if you miss the deadline make sure you make that calculation before submitting.

Once you've missed the deadline there is no rush. So you should probably ask Colin for his opinion of the old paper, before submitting a new one late.

Turnitin overwrites the old paper, so there's no going back.

update: I have changed the settings on turnitin so that students cannot submit after the deadline. Students who have arranged an extension will still be able to submit by contacting Colin. Student will still be permitted to submit late, but only once I am confident they understand the consequences of their choice.

1 comment:

Colin Manning said...

that's a [...] joke! asshole! I hate this module!